But even though I followed their instructions and paid money to see my doctor about my flu (which I knew she wouldn’t be able to treat), just to get a doctors note so I could return to work and not lose my job., They decided to fire me anyways after my busy shift was over, and wouldn’t say why. I went and got the doctors note the day before (120$ to see my doc) that my managers said I HAD to have to be able to keep my job (anyone working for the company has to have a doctors note to prove they were actually sick if you call in and miss any work). But unfortunately at the end of my shift I was told I was being let go (fired) and they wouldn’t really say why (I tried inquiring as to why, but just ended up being ignored or avoided). It got to the point where I had to throw up once in the bathroom stall toilet an hour before my shift was over (still not contagious btw, even if I did puke, so I couldn’t get anyone else sick). Was tired and achey all shift (but felt better than I did the days prior), but I randomly became very nauseated out of nowhere.
#Low res cinescope premiere movie
I went back in the next day anyways (a Friday), because I knew the theater would be busy (not only was it a Friday night, but a new popular comic book movie came out that day) and couldn’t afford to be down one employee on a Friday night. I went in on a Thursday and the doctor said I could technically go back to work on Friday if I wanted (since I was no longer contagious), but recommended I wait another day or two to give my body extra time to recover and get the rest it needed. So I literally paid 120$ to see my doctor for a piece of paper saying I did in fact have the flu, excusing me from work for a few days. It’s not like the doctor can actually treat the flu to make it go away with something like antibiotics, you have to just wait it out. So I had to pay 120$ to see my doctor to get a simple piece of paper saying I had been sick with the flu and couldn’t work the past few days. Was told I needed a doctors note to excuse my absence otherwise I’d be fired (apparently that’s the company policy). Missed three days during the middle of the week (so during our least busy days) due to the flu. You’d probably just be better off toughing it out and praying you don’t accidentally get someone else sick in the process. Under “Bitrate Settings” set “Bitrate Encoding” to “CBR” and your “Target Bitrate to “100.” Lastly, check “Use Maximum Render Quality” at the bottom.Whatever you do, don’t call in sick. Set your frame rate to “23.976”, and check the “Render at Maximum Depth.” Then make sure your “Width” is set to “3,840” and your “Height” is set to “2,160”.

Select the “Video Tab” in the middle of the export settings dialog box and set “Profile” to “High” and “Level” to “5.2”. Also, if you want to know my reasoning for choosing these settings, please watch the tutorial video. The file sizes will be quite large, but this will ensure that your video retains its quality when you upload it to these sites and they convert it into different formats and resolutions.

If you are uploading your video to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, or any other video site that supports 4K, I recommend using the below settings. The export settings heading of the dialog box.īASIC VIDEO SETTINGS AND BITRATE SETTINGS FOR YOUTUBE, VIMEO, FACEBOOK, AND OTHER VIDEO SITES